Jon Vaughn presents...
A 100% FREE but useful and time saving software....
Enter your full name email to get Color Grabber for FREE....
Yours FREE: Color Grabber - A useful software that will save you time and help you with all your designs endeavors. 
Hi, I'm Jon Vaughn the Founder and CEO of the software development firm Tier5.

You can see me and my company Tier5 in the picture below. 
We are brining you the time saving software Color Grabber for FREE.

First I'll tell you about Color Grabber and what it does, then I'll tell you why we're giving it to you for FREE!!

So first thing first, what's Color Grabber all about. 

Color Grabber is a simple time saving software that will help you with all your design endeavors. Graphic design, website design, and all your funnel design. 

It's easy to use. With Color Grabber you'll never have to wonder what beautiful colors are being used anywhere on the internet. Color Grabber allows you to easily grab any color from any page anywhere on the internet. 

You can use Color Grabber to grab any color you see used on the internet and Color Grabber will give you the corresponding HEX, RGB, and HSL color codes. 

Color Grabber will also give you the dominant that pairs with the color you just grabbed. The dominant color will be able to hold its hue despite its surroundings being paired with the color you grabbed. 
There are so many uses for Color Grabber. You can see it working below. 

Now, why am I giving this to you for FREE?

That's easy, I want to provide you some value for free and what's more valuable than your time? This software is saving you time, so I'm giving you back the most valuable thing in the world, your time. 

I'm also using this as a lead magnet. Once you give me your name and email you'll get instant access to the software and you'll then be on my email list where I'll be sending you valuable emails and special offers for other amazing software that I have (but you can unsubscribe at any time). 

So now all you have to do is click the button below, and give your name and email and you'll get Color Grabber for free :) 
Free Software Provided By The Tier5 Partnership